felix meets nat 12 months ago when he posts on an anonymous dream board that (having been sentenced to death for living) he is walking across a steel platform, approaching what appears to be a giant microscope (macroscope?). he rests supine on its plate, stares blankly into the three black barrels. an onlooking crowd is delighted, stretches endlessly into the dark space between vaulted ceiling and circuited floor. after several brief thoughts concerning the end of his existence, the bottling of water, he realizes the absence of any discernible passage of time. lifting his head towards the crowd he notices (for the first time) a spectator vibrating- notices each body in the crowd vibrating. felix lays back down, stares into the three hollow pupils, blinks twice. felix slides off the plate, descends from the platform, enters the crowd, discovers he can pass through them. felix feels the buzz of static and the hum of something machine as he steps through each one. ‘warm’, he thinks. still they stare ahead, delightedly. felix walks
felix walks
felix walks
felix types ‘I’m bored’ followed by ‘I’m bored’ followed by ‘I’m bored’. nat takes eps 4-6 to respond. felix is swallowed by something building-sized, re-united with two souls in orange ocean, bends the boundaries of consciousness until he swells and bursts the brain with a wave (him) that courses through buildings and streets (also him). nat says, ‘havent left my room in three days’ followed by ‘still not bored lol’. felix sees 02:04:45, watches numbers change in the corner of the screen. felix clicks ‘new tab’, types ‘aquarium noises’, clicks triangle. felix opens a new tab, types, sees words. felix rubs his eyes, felix rubs his face into his sheets, felix runs his fingers through the carpet, presses next, presses next, presses his eyes until they burn. felix reads words that make no sense. felix feels his brain flex its fingers open and shut. felix sees ‘bastion of cordiocontemporary mechanistics deregulating intertextual subspace innervated with nomadic partisoids of post-evolutionary being.’ felix drinks crystal water. felix feels cleansed, feels his streets flush with orange ocean. felix watches eps 7+8. felix clicks an icon labelled ‘felix’, scrolls to the bottom, presses enter, presses 0, presses 5, presses :, presses 5, presses 7, presses l i g h t w e i g h t f e e l i n g , e v e r y t h i n g b o r d e r e d i n c r i s p b l a c k l i n e s , a n c h o r e d b y [ ? ] , m i n d i s f l o a t i n g; felix presses more keys, opens a new tab, types ‘aquarium timelapse’, sees wavy green plants in blue gel. felix clicks ‘x’, clicks ‘conversations’, types ‘what are you’, sees aquatic shapes squiggle back and forth, hears a blip, sees ‘the pinnacle of anime viewing technology’.
felix types ‘you are just a combination of words’, then, ‘you are an aquarium plant.’ felix leaves his room, exits, escapes, passes his sister’s empty room, opens the fridge. water. felix rewatches episode 6, reads ‘summary of episode 6’, reads ‘ep 6 discussion’, sees moving images, types words, watches numbers change in the corner of the screen, watches orange bars stretch across the wall, hears a blip, sees ‘youre whale shit’.
felix clicks, clicks, opens a new tab, types ‘whale shit’, presses enter, clicks ‘next’, clicks ‘next’, clicks, clicks ‘save as’, types ‘felix’, clicks, clicks ‘send’, clicks, presses enter, closes tab.