felix dreams. felix dreams of the edification of being into two entities, into a self that observes the self and a self that is observed by the self. in dream state, felix observes felix in the invention of the dream. felix is observed by felix in the invention of the dream. felix observes the felix that observes felix in the invention of the dream. felix invents the dream for felix, for felix. felix wanders through dream state, betrays his own composition to the felix observing felix. in dream state, felix invents the world for felix. in dream state, felix is everything, felix is god, felix is felix,
felix messages nat, watches the numbers change in the corner of the screen, hears blip, sees ‘if it is then im dreaming too’.
nat is the only one online, felix thinks.
felix considers the bisection of wakefulness and dreaming as analogous to the state-change of larvae in cocoon. in dream state, felix is composed into head, thorax, limbs, exoskeleton, functioning in relation to himself through the differentiation of his parts. conversely, in wakefulness, felix’s elements (felixes) dissolve and admix indistinguishably from each other, exist in intermediary metamorphosis. they sit in his chair, stare at his screen, read words, click shapes, hear sound, see light. sometimes they mix in ways analogous to dreaming. sometimes they think they could’ve made kim up.