felix clicks, felix clicks. felix has too much access, felix thinks. felix watches eps 12-16, felix watches characters shift on the floating glass pane, felix labors at the towering skeleton of a building whose completion date, purpose, is unknown. ‘an organization's headquarters’, he thinks, ‘or a well-disguised factory. an apartment complex or a pointless sculpture’. felix sees desert all around him, sees clouds all around him. felix thinks he is dead, felix thinks he has been sentenced to death. felix thinks that at some point in history these are true. felix thinks that at some point in history there were no prior points in history. felix has too little access, felix thinks. felix falls from his tower, falls through the clouds and slams into the sand.

    felix is flying down the dune through wind and smoke. felix is building out of many moving parts a perpetual motion machine bolted to a hunk of steel. in the distance he sees so many towers rising, disappearing into the clouds. he sees ramshackle scaffolding of burnt timber crawling up each surface, sees darkened, hunched figures in sand-pelted coats hammering away at nails, sees felix at a prior point in history. through the blowing sand felix sees fly by the charred stain of an engine blown to pieces. felix returns to his work. the wind shrieks in felix’s ears like a digital alarm. felix works for years. felix works for years. in the machinery he sees neon sparks, he sees drops of crystal water, he sees the green leaf of a small plant. in the machinery he hears voices, croaking what they can only articulate as the (forthcoming) semantic resistance. felix works for years. felix records everything on the floating glass pane. felix looks back, sees- through the shifting characters on the glass- the towers sink beneath the crest of dune. distantly he hears the ocean, hears it rush closer.

    felix is on the floor. felix’s eyes are wet. felix stares at the orange bars on the wall. felix flexes his fingers into the carpet. felix tries to remember what it was like seeing the ocean for the first time. felix remembers he cannot remember what it was like seeing the ocean for the first time. felix stares at the orange bars swell across the wall. felix stares at the orange bars until they burst.