felix hears sound, sees light. felix sees nat, felix sees lisa, sees each of them in small glass cubes. felix sees each of them on either side of him in small glass cubes. felix sees- behind each one- an endless row of small glass cubes. felix sees his reflection, on either side of him, in the small glass cubes. felix sees a crow in the small glass cube. felix sees an endless row of crows in the small glass cubes.
    felix gathers himself, gathers himselves. felix gathers the small glass cubes. felix organizes felix into identical, repeating blocks of information and neural activity, arranged in rows and columns of small glass cubes, spaced equidistant from each other in three dimensional grid. felix churns an animal consciousness into orange goop and presses it through the blocks until it coats, registers the character in every small glass cube, spills into a pool below with drops that echo at a rate of 1 felix/moment.


    felix stands before an empty fridge. felix celebrates the new reality.